Pro-line Racing 1/10 Raid vpředu/vzadu 2,2/3,0 12mm krátká kola 2 černá PRO278503

Brand:Pro-line Racing



Pro-line Racing 1/10 Raid přední/zadní 2,2/3,0 12mm krátká kola (2) černá, PRO278503

Kolo vyrobené z vysoce pevného a odolného materiálu DuPont Nylon. Hodí se na všechny šestihrany odnímatelných kol Pro-Line 6x30 pro spoustu možností vlastního offsetu. Jsou zahrnuty 2 nejběžnější 12mm ofsetové šestihrany!. Snadno vyměňte poškozené šestihrany nebo upgradujte na 14mm, 17mm a 12mm offsetové šestihrany ProTrac. Odnímatelné šestihrany vám umožňují měnit offsety kol za chodu.
Country of Origin USA
Customer Reviews 4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars 25 ratings 4.1 out of 5 stars
Item model number PRO278503
Item Weight 3.52 ounces
Manufacturer Pro-line Racing
Manufacturer recommended age 14 years and up
Product Dimensions 9 x 6.25 x 1.66 inches


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Scritto da: Pedro
They have stripped writhing 3 battery packs
Scritto da: Jay Wells
Not Complete
Doesn't come with the Hex Part
Scritto da: TahojohnnyO
The replaceable hex's broke on second battery at a dog park on the grass.
The center has broke on my second battery and I had to order another set for the wheels but when you order that set you can't order one size of the other you have to get a short one and a long one so not real happy finally get two batteries out of each one I'm going to s*** can then cuz the one the non-replaceable hex is lasted longer than that

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